And that is it.YouTube RoyalSkies has video The Cloth stand orange, in actve mode.Go to Weight Paint, select Transfer Weights.Down Left open window andchose Source. The skin of your model is riged by armature and has weight.So you can transfer weight of the skin to the clothes.First select the skin, and holding SHIFT select the Cloth. But if someone can see an inherent issue with what I am currently doing, or things I should try, I'd rather catch it now than after I'm already animating. So far this model is only animated using Mixamo, so I am wondering if this is just going to be an inherent issue with how mixamo weight-paints multiple meshes in a single fbx.
Though even the skin-tight areas with identical topology clips. The clothing here is literally copied from the base mesh, only edited where it isn't appropriate for it to be skin-tight. My aim is to make clothing separate from the body and export the model and clothing to unity for game purposes. I have an issue with my character's skin clipping through the clothing I have added. Any of your favorite S3 skins are appreciated too!
I've started playing my sims 3 game again and wanted to find a skin that would make them less ugly? Something like the more matte/cartoonyness of the sims 4 EA default skins.